Sunday, May 17, 2015

Final Project

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Final Project Thoughts

My final thoughts about this class and project are positive. I learned a lot this semester and I enjoyed learning how to shoot and edit video/audio on Premiere. The final project was challenging, especially because I worked alone. At first I did not want to work alone but then I thought it would be fun to film and make a documentry to my liking. I did not have to worry about the opinion of anyone and I liked that a lot.

First I found two different people from Hunter College; I set up times and dates I would meet with them individually and be able to work with them one on one. I did not want to have more than two people because the point of this project was to hear the individual story of each person.
I used the voice recorder and camera for both interviews. I did the voice recording first and then I filmed the dancers. I wanted them to be themselves and just do what they would do naturally. I directed them to stop at some points because I wanted a specific shot.

 I ended each second differently and I did do that purposely. When Alex was done talking I ended her still and not dancing because she is a perfectionist and as soon as she messes up she starts over. I wanted to show the real her and not the Alex that is a talented dance and is able to do flips. Then with Gab I ended it with a bow. She is a natural performer and she always finished her routine no matter what happens. She told me she believe a dancer should never start but be ready to improvise.

I really worked hard on this project and I am hoping to get the grade I deserve. I also want to thank Patricia for being a great TA and being patient with me!